Tuesday, November 3, 2009

VSphere in a Box: Prepare your MS SQL Database for VCenter Installation

VCenter requires some type of database engine to store information about your ESX hosts. For a small setup, the VCenter installer will use SQL Server Express edition (which is free from Microsoft).

For a larger setup, one should have a good, fully functional database server. Despite the fact that our lab here is small, it's good practice to know how to prepare a database for your VCenter installation.

This document focuses on using Microsfot SQL Server 2008, however, the same exact instructions would apply for Microsoft SQL 2005.

Before proceeding with this, you should already have Windows Server 2003 or 2008 installed, as well as SQL Server 2008 or 2005. You can find 180 day evaluation copies of each via Microsoft's website (www.microsoft.com). (*Note: I just created another VM within workstation. It runs right along with the two ESX servers).

Please feel free to download the document using the download button below. Please feel free to share any questions/criticism/comments.


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