Monday, November 16, 2009

VSphere in a Box: Copy an ISO file to your ESX Host

When you're ready to build an Virtual Machine in your ESX host, the process is made MUCH quicker by having the ISO install image stored on the ESX host.

There are other methods, like using the actual CD and putting into the CD drive, but this can be a bit more time consuming. Having the ISO already mounted to your virtual machine streamlines the process.

Please feel free to download the PDF file below using the dowload button:


Mark Gabbs | November 17, 2009 at 4:50 PM  

No longer necessary to learn WinSCP or SSH. Browse a VMFS datastore, and then Upload The ISO file to the directory you want it to go to.

Nuance: When browsing a Datastore, you navigate on the left, and upload/download will be in the the location that is selected on the left.

Aamir Syed | November 23, 2009 at 9:28 AM  

Great tip, most appreciated Mark!

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